Swiwin / BadBoyzRC  stands for Excellence in Turbine Quality and Performance! Backed by over 17 years of on hand experience! Our technicians are experienced pilots and certified Swiwin Turbine Specialists! Manufactured with the highest of quality materials, Swiwin assembles each and every turbine by hand with precision and care! At Swiwin/ BadBoyzRC we aim to bring the best in product and support to our customers by providing a High-Quality Turbine Engine backed with parts and support at our Phoenix/Texas locations! Each and every Swiwin Turbine are individually tested on site at our Phoenix facility by our experienced technician/pilot! Every parameter from the GSU/ECU Settings to the cables and the fuel pump are checked. Turbines are bench tested using the best Jet A fuel and BadBoyzRC  Special Turbine Oil Blend and tuned to optimal performance and reliability! Our Service Center is located in  Arizona and the Swiwin Factory. Providing our customers with a top performing turbine backed by extraordinary customer service and experienced technical on-site support and very competitive pricing!  BadBoyzRC Stands behind our products and WE FLY WHAT WE SELL!

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