
Boomerang Jets

Whether you are looking to get started in the exciting world of RC Turbine flying or if you are a seasoned pro, you will want to have a Boomerang in your hanger.

The simplicity of the Boomerang design, from construction, to field assembly and of course very predictable flight manners, makes the Boomerang a perfect choice for any pilot.

Boomerang was designed with the short field, grass runway environment in mind. From very short takeoffs to very slow landings you’ll be able to fly a Boomerang jet from places the other jets wouldn’t even dream of flying from. And when it’s time to go home, even the largest Boomerang will fit into a small car. That’s what sets Boomerang Jets apart.

And of course if you would like to do some aerobatics while aloft then go ahead and push it through its paces. You’ll be stunned at what a Boomerang can do!

If you are a beginner to RC Jets then just take a deep breath and relax. You’re flying a Boomerang. Perhaps the most stable jet platform available to learn on

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